We always have our phones within reach at all times; they act as our main tool of communication, entertainment, navigation…
AAIB application takes things further by reinventing the way people bank, allowing them to do everything with a tap.
This is why our core creative is built on conceiving the application as a gateway that connects the real world to a digital one to complete any bank related task with a tap,
At the heart of it all, we have our mobile application connecting both worlds and acting as a gateway between them.On one side we have the user of the application, whose lifestyle is integrated in the design through their clothing, and elements and props that hint what they are currently doing at the moment to showcase the ease of use at any time.On the other side, each MV will have a different app feature with screens of it integrated in the design, while showcasing the actual service in reality.
Visually, our campaign will match the mobile application’s extraordinary vision of fitting all life styles, multiple situations, and different age groups and segments. This is why we’ll showcase it through 3 different design aspects.
Our Monochromatic Elements will be reflecting our customers lifestyle and what they do throughout their day, while also focusing on the ease and flexibility of it.The Neon Strokes in the visual reflects innovation in mobile banking, and how AAIB mobile application represents the future of it.We opted for Real Elements to represent the features to close the gap between digital and reality, reflecting how our mobile application allows instant banking features.